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Using Btrfs with Multiple Devices

From btrfs Wiki


Multiple devices

A Btrfs filesystem can be created on top of many devices, and more devices can be

added after the FS has been created.

By default, metadata will be mirrored across two devices and data will be striped

across all of the devices present.

If only one device is present, metadata will be duplicated on that one device.

Current status

Btrfs can add and remove devices online, and freely convert between RAID levels

after the FS has been created.

Btrfs supports raid0, raid1, raid10, raid5 and raid6 (but see the section below

about raid5/6), and it can also duplicate metadata on a single spindle. When

blocks are read in, checksums are verified. If there are any errors, Btrfs tries to

read from an alternate copy and will repair the broken copy if the alternative copy


See the Gotchas page for some current issues when using btrfs with multiple

volumes of differing sizes in a RAID1 style setup.

Raid 5 and Raid6

Please read the parity RAID status page first: RAID56.

Note that the minimum number of devices required for RAID5 is 2. In case of a 2

device RAID5 filesystem, one device has data and the other has parity data.

Similarly, for RAID6, the minimum is 3 devices.

Filesystem creation

mkfs.btrfs will accept more than one device on the command line. It has options to

control the raid configuration for data (-d) and metadata (-m). Valid choices are

raid0, raid1, raid10 and single. The option -m single means that no duplication of

metadata is done, which may be desired when using hardware raid.

Raid10 requires at least 4 devices.

Create a filesystem across four drives (metadata mirrored, linear data allocation)

#mkfs.btrfs /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd /dev/sde

Stripe the data without mirroring

#mkfs.btrfs -d raid0 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc

Use raid10 for both data and metadata

#mkfs.btrfs -m raid10 -d raid10 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd /dev/sde

Don't duplicate metadata on a single drive (default on single SSDs)

#mkfs.btrfs -m single /dev/sdb

If you want to use devices of different sizes, striped RAID levels (RAID-0, RAID-10,

RAID-5, RAID-6) may not use all of the available space on the devices. Non-striped

equivalents may give you a more effective use of space (single instead of RAID-0,

RAID-1 instead of RAID-10).

Use full capacity of multiple drives with different sizes (metadata mirrored, data not mirrored and not striped)

#mkfs.btrfs -d single /dev/sdb /dev/sdc

Once you create a multi-device filesystem, you can use any device in the FS for the

mount command:

#mkfs.btrfs /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sde

#mount /dev/sde /mnt

If you want to mount a multi-device filesystem using a loopback device, it's not

sufficient to use mount -o loop. Instead, you'll have to set up the loopbacks


Create and mount a filesystem made of several disk images

#mkfs.btrfs img0 img1 img2

losetup /dev/loop0 img0

losetup /dev/loop1 img1

losetup /dev/loop2 img2

#mount /dev/loop0 /mnt/btrfs

After a reboot or reloading the btrfs module, you'll need to use btrfs device scan

to discover all multi-device filesystems on the machine (see below)

The UseCases page gives a few quick recipes for filesystem creation.

Device scanning

btrfs device scan is used to scan all of the block devices under /dev and probe

for Btrfs volumes. This is required after loading the btrfs module if you're running

with more than one device in a filesystem.

Scan all devices

#btrfs device scan

Scan a single device

#btrfs device scan /dev/sdb

btrfs filesystem show will print information about all of the btrfs filesystems on

the machine.

Adding new devices

btrfs filesystem show gives you a list of all the btrfs filesystems on the systems

and which devices they include.

btrfs device add is used to add new devices to a mounted filesystem.

btrfs filesystem balance can balance (restripe) the allocated extents across all

of the existing devices. For example, with an existing filesystem mounted at /mnt,

you can add the device /dev/sdc to it with:

#btrfs device add /dev/sdc /mnt

At this point we have a filesystem with two devices, but all of the metadata and

data are still stored on the original device(s). The filesystem must be balanced to

spread the files across all of the devices.

#btrfs filesystem balance /mnt

The balance operation will take some time. It reads in all of the FS data and

metadata and rewrites it across all the available devices.


A non-raid filesystem is converted to raid by adding a device and running a balance filter that will change the chunk allocation profile. For example, to convert an existing single device system (/dev/sdb1) into a 2 device raid1 (to protect against a single disk failure):

#mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt

#btrfs device add /dev/sdc1 /mnt

#btrfs balance start -dconvert=raid1 -mconvert=raid1 /mnt

If the metadata is not converted from the single-device default, it remains as DUP,which does not guarantee that copies of block are on separate devices. If data is not converted it does not have any redundant copies at all.

Removing devices

btrfs device delete is used to remove devices online. It redistributes the any

extents in use on the device being removed to the other devices in the filesystem.


#mkfs.btrfs /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd /dev/sde

#mount /dev/sdb /mnt

Put some data on the filesystem here

#btrfs device delete /dev/sdc /mnt

Replacing failed devices

Using btrfs replace

When you have a device that's in the process of failing or has failed in a RAID

array you should use the btrfs replace command rather than adding a new device

and removing the failed one. This is a newer technique that worked for me when

adding and deleting devices didn't however it may be helpful to consult the

mailing list of irc channel before attempting recovery.

First list the devices in the filesystem, in this example we have one missing device

that we will replace with a new drive of the same size. In the following output we

see that the final device number (which is missing) is device 6:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo btrfs filesystem show

Label: none uuid: 67b4821f-16e0-436d-b521-e4ab2c7d3ab7

Total devices 6 FS bytes used 5.47TiB

devid    1 size 1.81TiB used 1.71TiB path /dev/sda3

devid    2 size 1.81TiB used 1.71TiB path /dev/sdb3

devid    3 size 1.82TiB used 1.72TiB path /dev/sdc1

devid    4 size 1.82TiB used 1.72TiB path /dev/sdd1

devid    5 size 2.73TiB used 2.62TiB path /dev/sde1

*** Some devices missing

If the device is present then it's easier to determine the numeric device ID required.

Before replacing the device you will need to mount the array, if you have a missing

device then you will need to use the following command:

$sudo mount -o degraded /dev/sda1 /mnt

We will now replace the absent device 6 with the new drive /dev/sdf1 on our file

system currently mounted on /mnt:

$sudo btrfs replace start 6 /dev/sdf1 /mnt

This will start the replacement process in the background, you can monitor the

status using the btrfs replace status command. The status command updates the

status continously, you can ctrl+c to exit it at any time. At first progress will be

shown, on completing you'll see the following output:

ubuntu@btrfs-recovery:~$ sudo btrfs replace status /mnt

Started on 27.Mar 22:34:20, finished on 28.Mar 06:36:15, 0 write errs, 0 uncorr. read errs

The error counters appear to be inaccurate, I had errors in my recovery reported

in dmesg but not in the replace status output. The following command will parse

out all the names of damaged files currently in the dmesg log, it only works on the

messages currently in the kernel log ring buffer so if you have received too many

log messages it will not be complete:

#dmesg | grep BTRFS | grep path | sed -e 's/^.*path: //;s/)$//' | sort | uniq

Using add and delete

The example above can be used to remove a failed device if the super block can

still be read. But, if a device is missing or the super block has been corrupted, the

filesystem will need to be mounted in degraded mode:

#mkfs.btrfs -m raid1 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd /dev/sde

sdd is destroyed or removed, use -o degraded to force the mount to ignore missing devices

#mount -o degraded /dev/sdb /mnt

'missing' is a special device name

#btrfs device delete missing /mnt

btrfs device delete missing

tells btrfs to remove the first device that is described by the filesystem metadata but not present when the FS was mounted.

In case of raidXX layout, you cannot go below the minimum number of the device

required. So before removing a device (even the missing one) you may need to add

a new one. For example if you have a raid1 layout with two device, and a device

fails, you must:

  • mount in degraded mode
  • add a new device
  • remove the missing device

Registration in /etc/fstab

If you don't have an initrd, or your initrd doesn't perform a btrfs device scan, you

can still mount a multi-volume btrfs filesystem by passing all the devices in the

filesystem explicitly to the mount command. A suitable /etc/fstab entry would be:

/dev/sdb    /mnt    btrfs    device=/dev/sdb,device=/dev/sdc,device=/dev/sdd,device=/dev/sde  00

Using device is not recommended, as it is sensitive to device names

changing. You should really be using a initramfs. Most modern distributions

will do this for you automatically if you install their own btrfs-progs package.

Using device=PARTUUID=... with GPT partition UUIDs would also work and be less

fragile. All these options can also be set from the kernel command line

(https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt) , through


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This page was last modified on 14 May 2016, at 12:27.

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